Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Don't be a Talebearer

Well, this morning I was reading my Bible and I came across a verse in Proverbs 18, which says, "The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles, And they go down into the inmost body." This tells me a lot. I think that this verse means when you are a talebearer at first it is like tasting a yummy piece of candy but once you get caught and your parents realize what you were doing it goes down into the inmost body. I don't want that to happen to me. This verse really convicted me because I can be known of tattling. I have gotten a lot better at it since I was a little girl but there still are times when I get full of myself and just want to get people in trouble and tattle on them. I'm not saying that it is right or anything like that. I know that it is sin and it is a 100% wrong to do. So, please pray for me in this area. I hope that you would be convicted by the same thing. I hope that you have a blessed day today!!!


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