Monday, January 24, 2011

BIble Reading Plan

Hello Everybody,

My family has been reading this Bible plan since the beginning of the year. It was all of our goals this year to read the whole Bible. We found a 52 week Bible plan that we really like a lot. I just want to encourage you to start at the beginning and read it through in a year. It is such a big accomplishment. Here is the link to the Bible Plan. I hope that you're encouraged to read the Bible and go through with it. Do it with somebody else so you can hold each other accountable. I hope you do this. It's also a great discipline to learn to read your Bible everyday.


1 comment:

Gabrielle Hellwig said...

Hi Brittany!
That's fun that you're doing this Bible reading plan. We're doing that same one this year! :) This will be my third year of reading through the Bible in a year, and it is indeed a blessing.
